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Privacy Policy

How Cheam Baptist Church Uses Personal Data

Cheam Baptist Church ("CBC") is committed to being compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (”GDPR”), which applies to all organisations, including churches, which process “Personal Data”, and also being compliant with all other requirements relating to personal data and other proprietary or confidential information.

Personal Data

“Personal Data” is any information which can identify a living person, including names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses etc. “Special Category” (or “Sensitive”) personal data includes (among other things) medical details and information relating to a person’s religious beliefs. “Processing” includes both computer and paper records.

Personal Data held by CBC

CBC may collect personal data every time someone contacts CBC, e.g. providing their own or someone else’s name, e-mail address, telephone number, or other information via social media, etc.  

If a person or their child become involved with a CBC activity, CBC may collect personal data relating to them and/or relating to their child. Such personal data is normally collected using forms which indicate the purpose for which the personal data is being collected, and which aim to request only sufficient personal data for the intended purpose. CBC recognises that some of such data may be Sensitive personal data.
CBC keeps such personal data in various ways including on its computer database and in paper storage systems. Some personal data may be kept by CBC members on their personal devices and systems for the purposes of CBC activities they are involved with. 

Use of Personal Data by CBC

CBC uses personal data for a number of purposes.
CBC is under a legal obligation to process some personal data, e.g. for financial records, HR purposes and for the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults.
CBC uses personal data for its legitimate interests, i.e. in its normal operations. For example CBC uses it to keep a record of and to communicate with people who are involved with CBC activities, and generally to facilitate people’s involvement in CBC’s activities. CBC believes it uses such data in ways which would be reasonably expected and which have a minimal privacy impact.
In some cases, particularly where children are involved with CBC activities, CBC bases its use of personal data on consent given by the person to whom the personal data relates, or in the case of children, by their parent or guardian. Insofar as CBC's use of personal data is based on consent, any person giving consent may withdraw their consent at any time.
Although anyone may withdraw their consent to CBC using personal data relating to them, this may affect their involvement with CBC activities. Moreover CBC may be under a legal obligation or have other legitimate reasons for continuing to process such personal data.

Confidentiality of Personal Data held by CBC

CBC treats personal data as confidential and will not disclose it to any third party without the consent of the person to whom it relates, except for a legal obligation or other legitimate reason, and with appropriate safeguards.
CBC informs its members that it is imperative that any personal data relating to those involved with CBC is kept securely and confidentially, and that to disclose it without the consent of the person to which it relates may be a data breach, but other than that CBC cannot guarantee confidentiality.

Disclosure and sharing of Personal Data by CBC

CBC may allow leaders of and helpers with CBC activities access to personal data relating to people involved with those CBC activities for the purpose of running the activity. 
CBC shares some personal data with IT service providers contracted to fulfil services for CBC. For example Church Insight provides CBC’s web site and computer database, and Mail Chimp delivers the e-Bulletin. CBC remains in control of all information shared with these service providers, who have privacy policies which may be consulted. Like most websites, CBC uses “cookies” which are small text files that websites transfer to devices accessing CBC’s website. If you want to delete such cookies please refer to the instructions on your device.

Keeping Personal Data up to Date

CBC will endeavour to keep personal data which it holds accurate and up to date, but those to whom the data relates have a responsibility to keep CBC informed of any changes to names, addresses etc.

Retention of Personal Data held by CBC

CBC will keep personal data only so long as required by the involvement of the person to whom it relates with CBC, e.g. whilst they are involved with a CBC activity. In some cases, e.g. for regular (e.g. annual) CBC activities CBC may keep personal data for long enough to inform a person of the next such event. Normally thereafter it will be deleted. However in some cases CBC may be under a legal obligation such as the Limitations Act 1980 or safeguarding requirements, or have a legitimate reason to keep it longer.

Right of Access to Personal Data held by CBC

Everyone has the right of access at their request to personal data held by CBC relating to themselves.
Everyone has the right to ask for personal data relating to them to be deleted, amended, corrected or restricted to use for specific purposes by CBC, although this may affect their involvement with CBC activities. However in some cases CBC may be under a legal obligation or continue to have a legitimate interest in processing it.
If anyone believes CBC has mis-used their personal data they have the right to complain to the UK Information Commission (ICO).
If you have any questions or concerns about your personal data being held by CBC please don’t hesitate to contact CBC to let us know.

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