Contact Us

We hope you have been able to find all the information about the church you wanted. If you would like to get in touch with someone at the church office please use the contact details below.

Phone: 020 8642 5070
Email us here: 

Email Cheam Baptist Church Pre-school here:

Office Opening Hours:
Monday–Friday: 10am–4pm

Office Address:
Cheam Baptist Church
4 Park Road
Cheam Village

Contact Form
Please fill in this form and it will be sent to the church office. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Your name:
Email Address:
Cheam Baptist Church (CBC) will treat any information information which you send us as confidential. It will only be used for the purpose for which it appears to be intended. Unless you instruct us otherwise it will be kept by CBC for no longer than is considered necessary by CBC for that purpose, and will then be deleted.



Cheam Baptist Church is situated on the corner of Park Road and Malden Road and has the following transport facilities.
Bus Stop Sign British Rail Sign
Bus Services
The following by bus routes
go through cheam and stop in
the village:
151  213  470 and X26.
Rail Services
Cheam Station is approximatley
a 7 minute walk from Cheam
Baptist Church.

Parking Sign  
Car Parking
For drivers there is the
Cheam Library Car Park,
which has 78 places or the
Kingsway Road Car Park,
with 81 places and a short
walk to the church building.